All men, at some point in time or another, have heard about prostate milking – but what is it, what benefits can it provide, and how do I do it? In this article, we will take a quick look at the prostate milking process, look at the benefits in case, and then perform the prostate milking technique with Step-By-Step Follow-throughs.
Prostate milking benefits
The body is equipped for survival and will respond to any situation with virility and aggressiveness, but the inability to orgasm may stop it from happening-which is not always the case. It would help if you learned how to re-engage the body to reach orgasm and the only way to do that is to massage and re-stimulate the prostate.
It is a natural process, which unlike the effects of any medication, does not require any pain or incontinence of the bladder. The whole purpose of prostate milking is to open up the prostate and cleanse the insides. The clean feeling and the release of the toxins tied to the chemicals in the prostate make one feel “filled up” and joyfully alive.
However, it is important to know the benefits of this activity before you go about doing it. The following are the benefits of prostate milking:
1. It’s prevention from cancer – the raw materials of the prostate are replaced with healthy prostatic fluid, which can prevent cancer in the future.2. It can prevent irritation and prolong menstruation – menopause is an important event, as it does not only lead to a lowered libido, but it may also cause dryness in the vagina.3. It increases the metabolism speed – frequent ejaculation can increase your metabolism, which can lead to excess weight and clogging of the arteries.
How to do the prostate milking
1. Perform 5 shallow prostate masturbation strokes using one outstretched hand. Get into the habit of doing this to gain feedback on the sensations.
2. Rub the prostate in a circular motion using the lubricated finger. The prostate gland should be Coupled with finger movement to provide greater stimulation.
3. Move the finger in and out to prevent any spillage. The greater the pressure employed, the greater the sensations.
4. When you reach the point of no return, stop. But do not stop while you are arrested, you have to resume the actions immediately.
5. Repeat the actions 3-5 times.
6. In the fourth week, the process will be carried out to 10-15 times.
Here are the 6 benefits of prostate milking, that you can apply to your life.
1. You will begin to experience signs of sexual arousal again, which can lead to having an orgasm.
2. You can control your ejaculation timing depending on your mental resolve and physical discipline.
3. Prostate stimulation can be done 3-6 times per week.
4. You will be able to experience long-lasting and mind-blowing orgasms.
5. You will also begin to build your ejaculatory control.
6. You can offer greater pleasure to your partner depending on your sexual fitness.
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